When your self-esteem is high, you tend to
take care of yourself better because you care about yourself. You eat healthier
foods. You go for walks or do some form of exercise to keep your stress levels
One of the results from developing a
higher sense of self, is that you show up more often in your relationship with
yourself. That means you are more present in relationship with others. When you
are more present, you recognize the red flags that start flying. And when you have a healthy self-worth, you
pay attention to those warning signs, not letting them go unheeded until you
reach the ultimate state of being a broken shattered emotional mess just
because someone walked out of your life. The red flags are wake-up calls. When you know your values and someone starts
treating you poorly, you will have the wisdom to say, “STOP, that doesn’t work
for me, I’m outta here.” You will step
out of that relationship before it beats you down.
If you want
help to get over a break-up or a broken heart, I provide step-by-step guidance
via personal Email Conversations Services. Get the details here. If you want to
build up your self-esteem in order to make better decisions, I offer a free
E-Book, 24 Strategies to Dramatically
Increase Your Self-Esteem. You can find the download on the bottom of the
front page on my website. It requires your email address, but hey, that’s a
small price to pay for improved self-worth . . . wouldn’t you say?
Listen to a powerful 30 minute podcast on building your self-esteem. Boost It Before It Breaks You: Self-Esteem Building 101
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