
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Boost it Before it Breaks You: Self-Esteem Building 101

There are benefits to having good self-esteem that go beyond just attracting a good partner. Being able to attract the right partner is critical to many people because it means you are less likely to end in a break-up and more likely to be a loving couple who do lots of fun things together, share deep secrets and trust one another. Read More . . .

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

How to Increase Your Self-Esteem for Better Decisions in Health & Relationships

Today we’re going to connect the dots between self-esteem and how that plays out in the choices you make. Higher self-esteem leads to better decision making and more power in attracting the right partner for you. Low self-esteem leads to dysfunctional relationships that often end in heart-break.  We are going to give you some ideas for how to improve this area of your life in order to make decisions that support the happy, healthy person you truly want to be.