I’ve read about monasteries where the
monks have to look inside themselves before they can complain about another
monk. They have to heal the issue inside themselves that they are about to
blame someone else for. Sometimes it takes years of healing before that monk is
able to point out someone else’s flaws. So before you judge another, find the
mirror inside yourself that is reflecting back what you are seeing in the other
person. And don’t just give it a passing
glance. Look deep at your own attitudes and beliefs before judging someone else
for their behavior.
I remember reading a story years ago about
a man on a subway who let his kids run wild. He just sat there and didn’t say
anything or do anything to correct their behavior or calm them down. The people
around him were clucking their tongues and wagging their fingers, leaning over
to the person beside them to say what a bad parent this man must be. Their
thoughts created their emotions and their emotions triggered their actions.
When I was reading the article I had my own judgments! Why isn’t he doing anything? Doesn’t he know his kids are disturbing others and that it’s not proper civilized behavior to be exhibiting in public? I had all the judgments too. I continued reading the article to discover that his wife had just died and he and his kids had just come from the funeral. Then I cried. Tears still well up when I think about it. How dare I judge someone I know nothing about. From that point on I stopped making assumptions about anyone or anything.
When I was reading the article I had my own judgments! Why isn’t he doing anything? Doesn’t he know his kids are disturbing others and that it’s not proper civilized behavior to be exhibiting in public? I had all the judgments too. I continued reading the article to discover that his wife had just died and he and his kids had just come from the funeral. Then I cried. Tears still well up when I think about it. How dare I judge someone I know nothing about. From that point on I stopped making assumptions about anyone or anything.
It’s difficult to accept someone else’s
beliefs and actions when they are in contrast with our own. But wouldn’t the
world be a dull place indeed if we only had one point of view?
Nancy Murdoch is an artist, author of 3 books
and a licensed HeartMath Stress –Busting coach.IF YOU NEED HELP GETTING YOUR LIFE BACK IN ORDER, I PROVIDE PERSONAL EMAIL CONVERSATIONS. Email me at nancy@nancyatnoon.com for more information.
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